SearchMaster Renewal Center If you already have an account on our website, please log in to continue Automatically Renewing Subscriptions If chosen, these subscriptions will automatically renew your subscription to SearchMaster the day your account is due to expire, and will save you up to 20% off manual renewal prices, which are listed in the section below. Subscription Choices: Please Choose an Automatic Subscription Length SearchMaster Renewal - 1 Year (Current Subscriber) - $55 per year, renewed automatically (Discounted 1st year SALE Price!) SearchMaster Renewal - 2 Years (Current Subscriber) - $105 every 2 years, renewed automatically (save 10%) SearchMaster Renewal - 3 Years (Current Subscriber) - $140 every 3 years, renewed automatically (save 15%) Manually Renewed Subscriptions If chosen, these subscriptions will need to be MANUALLY renewed each year on or before the day your account is due to expire. Failing to renew your subscription BEFORE it expires (or within a reasonable time window near your expiration date) may result in you paying a higher renewal rate, which is why automatically renewing subscriptions are preferred. Subscription Choices: Please Choose a Manual Subscription Length SearchMaster Renewal - 1 Year (Current Subscriber) - $59 for 1 Year Maintenance & Support SearchMaster Renewal - 2 Years (Current Subscriber) - $118 every 2 years, renewed manually SearchMaster Renewal - 3 Years (Current Subscriber) - $177 every 3 years, renewed manually User Information * First Name * Last Name * E-Mail Address * Confirm E-Mail Address Email (Alternate) Optional: Alternate Email Address that we may reach you at in case your primary address fails. * Create a Username Must be at least 4 characters Letters, numbers & underscores ONLY * Create a Password Must be at least 4 characters