SearchMaster Software
- Version Damaged Error (Running SearchMaster as an Administrator)
- Identifying your version of SearchMaster
- How do I update my glossaries?
- Rebuild and Refresh the Career Index
- Missing Program or Registration Windows
- Glossary File Listing Box -- Resizing to Display More Glossaries
- What does SearchMaster consider a CAT-software-generated file?
- Activate Keyboard Function keys using Parallels
- How can I get the latest version?
- Does SearchMaster work with all CAT Softwares?
- On how many computers may SearchMaster be installed?
- If a SearchMaster subscriber’s computer crashes and needs to be reformatted or replaced, will a replacement authorization code be provided by SearchMaster support?
- What kind of support can SearchMaster users expect?
- Does the SearchMaster software alert the user when the subscription is about to expire?
- Is an additional fee required for renewing a SearchMaster subscription after it has expired?
- What happens if a subscriber doesn’t renew the SearchMaster subscription?
- How often are the SearchMaster glossaries updated?
- What do SearchMaster subscribers do if they discover that a reference that should be in SearchMaster is not in SearchMaster?
- Does SearchMaster alert me when there are glossary updates or updates to the SM software?
- Are SearchMaster subscribers required to receive the SearchMaster Newsletter?
- Are SearchMaster subscribers allowed to install SearchMaster on another person’s computer as a demo so that that person can take SearchMaster for a shakedown cruise before deciding whether to subscribe?
- How do I update my new expiration date (new authorization code) within SearchMaster?